Using WordPress ‘ms_is_switched()’ PHP function

The ms_is_switched() WordPress PHP function determines if the switch_to_blog() function is currently in effect.


if (ms_is_switched()) {
    // Your code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: ms_is_switched()


Check if the blog is switched and display a message

Check if the blog is switched using ms_is_switched() and display a message accordingly.

if (ms_is_switched()) {
    echo '**Blog is switched**';
} else {
    echo 'Blog is not switched';

Display post count for the current blog and switched blog

Using ms_is_switched(), display the number of published posts for the current blog and switched blog.

$current_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
$switched_blog_id = 2; // Replace with the target blog ID


if (ms_is_switched()) {
    $current_post_count = wp_count_posts()->publish;
    $switched_post_count = wp_count_posts()->publish;

    echo "Current blog (ID: $current_blog_id) has $current_post_count published posts.";
    echo "Switched blog (ID: $switched_blog_id) has $switched_post_count published posts.";

Change blog title if blog is switched

Change the blog title if ms_is_switched() returns true.

if (ms_is_switched()) {
    update_option('blogname', 'Switched Blog');

Retrieve the switched blog’s option

Using ms_is_switched(), retrieve an option from the switched blog.

$switched_blog_id = 3; // Replace with the target blog ID
$option_name = 'my_custom_option';


if (ms_is_switched()) {
    $switched_blog_option = get_option($option_name);
    echo "The value of '$option_name' in the switched blog (ID: $switched_blog_id) is: $switched_blog_option";

Run a function only on the current blog

Execute a custom function only if ms_is_switched() returns false, meaning the current blog is not switched.

function my_custom_function() {
    // Your custom function logic here

if (!ms_is_switched()) {