Using WordPress ‘get_all_page_ids()’ PHP function

The get_all_page_ids() WordPress PHP function retrieves a list of all page IDs present on your WordPress site.


$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

echo '<h3>My Page List:</h3>';

foreach($page_ids as $page) {
  echo '<br />'.get_the_title($page);

In the above example, get_all_page_ids() function is used to collect all page IDs. Then, within a foreach loop, the get_the_title() function is used to print the title of each page.


  • This function does not have any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_all_page_ids()

This function is included in WordPress since version 2.1.0.


Display Page IDs and Page Titles

// Get all page IDs
$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

// Display page ID and title for each page
foreach($page_ids as $page) {
  echo 'Page ID: ' . $page . ' Title: ' . get_the_title($page) . '<br />';

In this example, the function get_all_page_ids() is used to gather all page IDs, which are then printed alongside their corresponding titles.

Count the Total Number of Pages

// Get all page IDs
$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

// Print the total number of pages
echo 'Total Pages: ' . count($page_ids);

This example counts the total number of pages by using the count() function on the array of page IDs returned by get_all_page_ids().

Create an Array of Page Titles

// Get all page IDs
$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

$page_titles = array();

// Add page titles to the array
foreach($page_ids as $page) {
  $page_titles[] = get_the_title($page);

Here, an array of page titles is created by fetching the title of each page using get_the_title() inside a foreach loop.

Check if a Page Exists by ID

// Get all page IDs
$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

$page_to_check = 50;

// Check if a page exists
if(in_array($page_to_check, $page_ids)) {
  echo 'Page with ID ' . $page_to_check . ' exists.';
} else {
  echo 'Page with ID ' . $page_to_check . ' does not exist.';

In this example, the in_array() function is used to check if a page with a specified ID exists.

Display Page IDs in Ascending Order

// Get all page IDs
$page_ids = get_all_page_ids();

// Sort page IDs

// Print sorted page IDs
foreach($page_ids as $page) {
  echo 'Page ID: ' . $page . '<br />';

In this final example, sort() is used to sort the array of page IDs in ascending order. Then, each sorted page ID is printed.