Using WordPress ‘do_signup_header()’ PHP function

The do_signup_header() WordPress PHP function is used to print signup headers through wp_head. This function is used specifically in the signup page of a WordPress site, where it can output specific metadata, scripts, or styles in the head of the signup page.


Here’s a simple use case for do_signup_header():

// Hook do_signup_header() to the wp_head action
add_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header');


  • This function does not have any parameters.

More Information

See WordPress Developer Resources: do_signup_header()

This function is part of the WordPress core and is implemented in wp-signup.php. It doesn’t have any specific version restriction, and at the time of writing this guide, it is not deprecated.


Example 1 – Basic Usage

This code shows how you can use do_signup_header() in a simple way. You just need to add it to the wp_head action.

add_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header'); // Add do_signup_header() to the wp_head action

Example 2 – Remove from wp_head

If you don’t want the signup header to print, you can remove it from the wp_head action.

remove_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header'); // Remove do_signup_header() from the wp_head action

Example 3 – Conditional Usage

You can use the do_signup_header() function conditionally. This example demonstrates how to add the signup header only if the site is not a multisite installation.

if ( !is_multisite() ) {
  add_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header');

Example 4 – Delay Execution

This example shows how to delay the execution of do_signup_header() until a later priority (for example, priority 11).

add_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header', 11); // Add do_signup_header() to the wp_head action with priority 11

Example 5 – Remove and Re-add

In this case, you might want to remove do_signup_header() from the wp_head action, do some other tasks, then re-add it.

remove_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header'); // Remove do_signup_header() from the wp_head action
// Perform other tasks
add_action('wp_head', 'do_signup_header'); // Add do_signup_header() back to the wp_head action