Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_form_summary’ PHP filter

The gform_form_summary filter allows you to modify the forms displayed in the Dashboard Forms widget.


add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1);

function your_custom_function($forms) {
    // your custom code here
    return $forms;


  • $forms (array): Array containing all forms, including the unread entries count, total entries count, and date of the last entry submission.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_form_summary


Order Forms By Total Entries

This example sorts the forms in the Dashboard Forms widget by the total number of entries in descending order.

add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'order_form_summary_by_total_entries', 10, 1);

function order_form_summary_by_total_entries($forms) {
    usort($forms, function($a, $b) {
        return $b['total_entries'] - $a['total_entries'];
    return $forms;

Order Forms By Unread Entries

This example sorts the forms in the Dashboard Forms widget by the number of unread entries in descending order.

add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'order_form_summary_by_unread_entries', 10, 1);

function order_form_summary_by_unread_entries($forms) {
    usort($forms, function($a, $b) {
        return $b['unread_entries'] - $a['unread_entries'];
    return $forms;

Hide Forms With Zero Unread Entries

This example hides forms with no unread entries from the Dashboard Forms widget.

add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'hide_forms_with_zero_unread_entries', 10, 1);

function hide_forms_with_zero_unread_entries($forms) {
    $filtered_forms = array_filter($forms, function($form) {
        return $form['unread_entries'] > 0;
    return $filtered_forms;

Show Only Forms With More Than 100 Total Entries

This example shows only forms with more than 100 total entries in the Dashboard Forms widget.

add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'show_forms_with_more_than_100_total_entries', 10, 1);

function show_forms_with_more_than_100_total_entries($forms) {
    $filtered_forms = array_filter($forms, function($form) {
        return $form['total_entries'] > 100;
    return $filtered_forms;

Change Date Format of Last Entry Submission

This example changes the date format of the last entry submission displayed in the Dashboard Forms widget.

add_filter('gform_form_summary', 'change_last_entry_submission_date_format', 10, 1);

function change_last_entry_submission_date_format($forms) {
    foreach ($forms as &$form) {
        $form['last_entry_date'] = date('F j, Y', strtotime($form['last_entry_date']));
    return $forms;