Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_ppcp_entry_not_found_status_code’ PHP filter

The gform_ppcp_entry_not_found_status_code filter in the Gravity Forms PayPal Checkout Add-On allows the status code for the entry not found WP_Error to be overridden.


add_filter('gform_ppcp_entry_not_found_status_code', 'your_function_name', 10, 3);


  • $status_code (int): The status code. Default is 200.
  • $action (array): An associative array containing the event details.
        'type'            => '',
        'amount'          => '',
        'transaction_type'=> '',
        'transaction_id'  => '',
        'subscription_id' => '',
        'entry_id'        => '',
        'payment_status'  => '',
        'note'            => '',
  • $event (array): The PayPal event object for the webhook which was received. See the PayPal API Reference for details about the event properties.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_ppcp_entry_not_found_status_code


Change status code to 205

This example changes the status code to 205.

add_filter('gform_ppcp_entry_not_found_status_code', 'change_status_code', 10, 3);

function change_status_code($status_code, $action, $event) {
    return '205';

Note: This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.