Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_uninstalling’ PHP action

The gform_uninstalling action hook allows you to perform clean-up tasks when the uninstall button is clicked on the Forms > Settings > Uninstall page.


To use this action hook, add the following code:

add_action('gform_uninstalling', 'your_function_name');


This hook has no parameters.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_uninstalling

This action hook was added in Gravity Forms v2.6.9. The source code is located in GFSettings::settings_uninstall_page() in settings.php.


Delete an option on uninstall

This example demonstrates how to delete custom options from the wp_options table when Gravity Forms is uninstalled.

add_action('gform_uninstalling', function() {

Place this code in the functions.php file of the active theme, a custom functions plugin, or a custom add-on. For more information on code placement, see Where Do I Put This Code?

Remove custom table on uninstall

This example shows how to remove a custom table from the database when Gravity Forms is uninstalled.

function remove_custom_table() {
    global $wpdb;
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'your_custom_table';
    $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table_name}");
add_action('gform_uninstalling', 'remove_custom_table');

Remove custom post type data on uninstall

This example demonstrates how to remove all posts with a specific custom post type when Gravity Forms is uninstalled.

function remove_custom_post_type_data() {
    $post_type = 'your_custom_post_type';
    $posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => $post_type, 'numberposts' => -1));

    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        wp_delete_post($post->ID, true);
add_action('gform_uninstalling', 'remove_custom_post_type_data');

Delete custom user meta on uninstall

This example shows how to delete a specific custom user meta for all users when Gravity Forms is uninstalled.

function delete_custom_user_meta() {
    $meta_key = 'your_custom_user_meta_key';

    $users = get_users();
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        delete_user_meta($user->ID, $meta_key);
add_action('gform_uninstalling', 'delete_custom_user_meta');

Remove custom taxonomy terms on uninstall

This example demonstrates how to remove all terms from a specific custom taxonomy when Gravity Forms is uninstalled.

function remove_custom_taxonomy_terms() {
    $taxonomy = 'your_custom_taxonomy';

    $terms = get_terms(array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'hide_empty' => false));
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        wp_delete_term($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
add_action('gform_uninstalling', 'remove_custom_taxonomy_terms');