Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user’ PHP filter

The gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user filter is used to determine if a form entry should be associated with the newly created user.


add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'your_function_name', 10, 5);


  • $update_entry_creator (bool): If entry creator should be associated with user.
  • $user_id (int): New user ID.
  • $feed (Feed Object): The current feed.
  • $entry (Entry Object): The current entry.
  • $form (Form Object): The current form.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user

This filter was added in User Registration version 4.0.9. It is located in GF_User_Registration::create_user() in gravityformsuserregistration/class-gf-user-registration.php.


Always associate entry with user

In this example, the entry will always be associated with the newly created user.

add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'always_associate_entry', 10, 5);
function always_associate_entry($update_entry_creator, $user_id, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    return true;

Associate entry with user based on a specific form

In this example, the entry will be associated with the newly created user only if the form ID is 5.

add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'associate_entry_for_form', 10, 5);
function associate_entry_for_form($update_entry_creator, $user_id, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    return $form['id'] == 5;

Associate entry with user based on a specific field value

In this example, the entry will be associated with the newly created user only if the value of field with ID 10 is “Yes”.

add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'associate_entry_based_on_field', 10, 5);
function associate_entry_based_on_field($update_entry_creator, $user_id, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    return rgar($entry, '10') == 'Yes';

Associate entry with user for a specific feed

In this example, the entry will be associated with the newly created user only if the feed ID is 3.

add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'associate_entry_for_feed', 10, 5);
function associate_entry_for_feed($update_entry_creator, $user_id, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    return $feed['id'] == 3;

Do not associate entry with user

In this example, the entry will never be associated with the newly created user.

add_filter('gform_userregistration_associate_entry_with_user', 'never_associate_entry', 10, 5);
function never_associate_entry($update_entry_creator, $user_id, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    return false;