The gform_webhooks_request_method filter allows you to modify the webhook HTTP request method in Gravity Forms.
To apply this filter to all forms, use the following code:
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method', 'your_function_name', 10, 4);
To target a specific form, append the form ID to the hook name (format: gform_webhooks_request_method_FORMID):
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method_7', 'your_function_name', 10, 4);
- $request_method (string): The HTTP request method.
- $feed (Feed Object): The current feed object.
- $entry (Entry Object): The current entry object.
- $form (Form Object): The current form object.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_webhooks_request_method
This filter is located in GF_Webhooks::process_feed() in gravityformswebhooks/class-gf-webhooks.php.
Change request method to GET
This example changes the webhook HTTP request method to GET.
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method', 'set_method', 10, 4); function set_method($request_method, $feed, $entry, $form) { return 'GET'; }
Change request method to PUT for form 7
This example changes the webhook HTTP request method to PUT for form with ID 7.
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method_7', 'set_put_method', 10, 4); function set_put_method($request_method, $feed, $entry, $form) { return 'PUT'; }
Change request method based on entry value
This example changes the webhook HTTP request method based on a specific entry value.
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method', 'change_method_based_on_entry', 10, 4); function change_method_based_on_entry($request_method, $feed, $entry, $form) { if ($entry['1'] == 'GET') { return 'GET'; } else { return 'POST'; } }
Change request method based on form title
This example changes the webhook HTTP request method to PUT for forms with a specific title.
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method', 'change_method_based_on_form_title', 10, 4); function change_method_based_on_form_title($request_method, $feed, $entry, $form) { if ($form['title'] == 'My Special Form') { return 'PUT'; } else { return $request_method; } }
Change request method based on feed name
This example changes the webhook HTTP request method to DELETE for webhooks with a specific feed name.
add_filter('gform_webhooks_request_method', 'change_method_based_on_feed_name', 10, 4); function change_method_based_on_feed_name($request_method, $feed, $entry, $form) { if ($feed['meta']['name'] == 'Delete Webhook') { return 'DELETE'; } else { return $request_method; } }