The gform_zapier_request_body Gravity Forms PHP filter allows you to modify the request body sent to Zapier.
A generic example of how to use the filter:
add_filter('gform_zapier_request_body', 'your_function_name', 10, 4);
To target a specific form, append the form ID to the hook name. Format: gform_zapier_request_body_FORMID
add_filter('gform_zapier_request_body_1', 'your_function_name', 10, 4);
- $body (array) – An associative array containing the request body that will be sent to Zapier.
- $feed (Feed Object) – The feed object currently being processed.
- $entry (Entry Object) – The entry object currently being processed.
- $form (Form Object) – The form object currently being processed.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_zapier_request_body
Change Date format
Change the date format of the “Entry Date” field in the request body:
add_filter('gform_zapier_request_body', 'change_date_format', 10, 4); function change_date_format($body, $feed, $entry, $form) { $body['Entry Date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d', strtotime($entry['date_created'])); return $body; }
Send Score for Survey fields
Send the score for each survey field in the request body:
add_filter('gform_zapier_request_body', 'zapier_single_score_export', 10, 4); function zapier_single_score_export($body, $feed, $entry, $form) { $survey_fields = GFAPI::get_fields_by_type($form, array('survey')); foreach ($survey_fields as $field) { $body_key = GFZapier::get_body_key($body, 'Survey Score: ' . $field->label); $body[$body_key] = gf_survey()->get_field_score($field, $entry); } return $body; }
This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.
This filter was added in the Gravity Forms Zapier Add-On v3.1.1.
This filter is located in GFZapier::get_body()
method in zapier.php.