How to sanitize data in WordPress plugins and themes

As a WordPress plugin developer, ensuring the security of your plugin is crucial. One way to do this is to understand and implement data sanitization in your plugin.

Data sanitization is the process of cleaning user-generated data to make it safe for use in your plugin.

This involves removing any potentially harmful or malicious content from the data, such as HTML tags or JavaScript code, to prevent security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

By sanitizing the data, you can ensure that the content of your plugin is not harmful to users and protect your plugin against potential security issues.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of data sanitization and provide some key functions for sanitizing data in WordPress.

Functions for sanitizing data in WordPress

In WordPress, there are several built-in functions that you can use to sanitize data.

For example, the sanitize_text_field() function can be used to sanitize text input, the sanitize_email() function can be used to sanitize email addresses, and the sanitize_title() function can be used to sanitize post titles.

These functions strip out any potentially harmful or malicious content from the data and make it safe for use in your plugin.

Function Description
wp_kses() This function allows you to specify which HTML tags and attributes are allowed in user-generated content, which can help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
wp_check_invalid_utf8() This function checks for invalid UTF-8 characters in user-generated content and replaces them with a substitute character. This can prevent attackers from using non-printable characters to bypass security measures.
wp_check_filetype_and_ext() This function checks the file type and extension of uploaded files to ensure that they are allowed. This can prevent attackers from uploading malicious files to your site.
sanitize_email() This function sanitizes an email address by removing any characters that are not allowed in an email address, such as angle brackets or quotes.
sanitize_title() This function sanitizes a title by removing any characters that are not allowed in a WordPress title, such as punctuation or HTML tags.
sanitize_text_field() This function sanitizes a string by removing any characters that are not allowed in a WordPress text field, such as line breaks or HTML tags.

These are just a few examples of the many functions available in WordPress for sanitizing data.

Example of sanitizing a text field

Here is an example of how you could use the sanitize_text_field() function to sanitize some user input:

$user_input = '<script>alert("Hello, world!");</script>';
$sanitized_input = sanitize_text_field( $user_input );

// The $sanitized_input variable now contains the text "alert("Hello, world!");"
// without the HTML tags, which were stripped out by the sanitize_text_field() function.

Combining data sanitization with data validation in WordPress

Sanitization should be used alongside validation.

Validation is the process of checking the data to make sure it is correct and in the right format, whereas sanitization is the process of cleaning the data to make it safe for use. Both techniques are important for ensuring the quality and security of the data that is processed and stored by your plugin.

Here is an example of how you can sanitize using the sanitize_text_field() and validate is_email() functions together for an an email address:

function validate_and_sanitize_email( $email ) {
    $sanitized_email = sanitize_email( $email );
    if (is_email($sanitized_email)) {
        return $sanitized_email;
    } else {
        return null;

In this example, the validate_and_sanitize_email() function uses the sanitize_email() function to sanitize the email address and then uses the is_email() function to validate it.

If the email address is valid, the function returns the sanitized email address, otherwise, it returns null.