Using WordPress ‘before_signup_form’ PHP action

The before_signup_form WordPress action fires before the site Sign-up form, allowing you to add custom content or modify the form.


add_action('before_signup_form', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function() {
// your custom code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: before_signup_form


Add a custom message before the Sign-up form

This code adds a custom message above the Sign-up form.

add_action('before_signup_form', 'add_custom_message');
function add_custom_message() {
echo '<p><strong>Welcome to our website!</strong> Please fill out the form to sign up.</p>';

Add a reCAPTCHA field

Add a reCAPTCHA field to protect your Sign-up form from spam.

add_action('before_signup_form', 'add_recaptcha_field');

function add_recaptcha_field() {
    echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your-recaptcha-site-key"></div>';

Add a custom CSS class to the Sign-up form

This code adds a custom CSS class to the Sign-up form container.

add_action('before_signup_form', 'add_custom_class_to_signup_form');
function add_custom_class_to_signup_form() {
echo '<script>document.querySelector("#signupform").classList.add("your-custom-class");</script>';

Display a custom image before the Sign-up form

This code displays a custom image above the Sign-up form.

add_action('before_signup_form', 'display_custom_image');

function display_custom_image() {
    echo '<img src="your-image-url" alt="Custom Image">';

Add social login options

Add social login options like Facebook, Twitter, and Google to your Sign-up form.

add_action('before_signup_form', 'add_social_login_options');
function add_social_login_options() {
echo '<div class="social-login-buttons">';
echo '<a href="your-facebook-login-url" class="facebook-login">Log in with Facebook</a>';
echo '<a href="your-twitter-login-url" class="twitter-login">Log in with Twitter</a>';
echo '<a href="your-google-login-url" class="google-login">Log in with Google</a>';
echo '</div>';