Using WordPress ‘comment_author_email()’ PHP function

The comment_author_email() WordPress PHP function is used to display the email of the author of the current global $comment. It’s important to use this function carefully to protect the email address from being harvested and misused.


This function is typically used when you want to show the author’s email of a comment in your WordPress template. Here’s a custom example:

<a href="mailto:<?php comment_author_email(); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Contact %s', 'textdomain' ), get_comment_author() ); ?></a>

In this example, the author’s email is embedded into a “mailto:” link, and the link text is “Contact [Author’s Name]”.


  • $comment_id int|WP_Comment Optional: This is an optional parameter where you can pass the WP_Comment object or the ID of the comment for which you want to print the author’s email. By default, it targets the current comment.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_author_email()
This function is part of the core WordPress functionality and is not deprecated as of the last update.


This code will create a link on your page that says “Contact [Author’s Name]”. When clicked, it will open a new email in the user’s default email client addressed to the author’s email.

<a href="mailto:<?php comment_author_email(); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Contact %s', 'textdomain' ), get_comment_author() ); ?></a>

Displaying Email in a Div

This code will display the author’s email inside a div. Make sure to add a layer of protection to prevent email harvesting.

<div class="author-email"><?php comment_author_email(); ?></div>

Using with a Specific Comment ID

If you have a specific comment ID, you can display the author’s email for that comment.

<?php comment_author_email(123); // replace 123 with your comment ID ?>

Displaying in a Sentence

This code creates a sentence using the author’s name and email.

<p><?php printf( __( '%s's email is %s.', 'textdomain' ), get_comment_author(), comment_author_email() ); ?></p>

Displaying with a Custom Text Domain

This code uses a custom text domain for localization.

<a href="mailto:<?php comment_author_email(); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Contact %s', 'mytextdomain' ), get_comment_author() ); ?></a>