Using WordPress ‘comment_author_link()’ PHP function

The comment_author_link() WordPress PHP function displays the HTML link to the URL of the author of the current comment.


This function can be used as follows:


Here, $comment_id could be an instance of WP_Comment or the ID of the comment. By default, it prints the author’s link for the current comment.


  • $comment_id (int|WP_Comment) – Optional. This can be an instance of WP_Comment or the ID of the comment for which to print the author’s link. The default is the current comment.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_author_link()

The related function is comment_author_url(), which returns only the comment author’s URL.


This code will display the author link for the current comment.


This code will display the author link for a comment with a specific ID.


In this case, we first fetch a comment object using get_comment(), then pass it to comment_author_link().

$comment = get_comment(42);

This code checks if a specific comment exists before trying to display the author’s link.

$comment = get_comment(42);
if ($comment) {

Inside a comments loop, comment_author_link() can be used without any parameters to display the author link for each comment.

while (have_comments()) {

In all these examples, the output will be an HTML anchor tag with the author’s URL and name, like this:

<a href="" rel="external nofollow ugc" class="url">Author Name</a>