The comment_edit_redirect WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the URI a user is redirected to after editing a comment in the admin area.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2); function your_custom_function($location, $comment_id) { // your custom code here return $location; }
(string) – The URI the user will be redirected to.$comment_id
(int) – The ID of the comment being edited.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_edit_redirect
Redirect to the post page after editing a comment
Redirect the user to the post page where the comment was made after editing the comment.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'redirect_to_post_page', 10, 2); function redirect_to_post_page($location, $comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); return get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID); }
Redirect to a custom admin page
Redirect the user to a custom admin page after editing a comment.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'redirect_to_custom_admin_page', 10, 2); function redirect_to_custom_admin_page($location, $comment_id) { return admin_url('your-custom-admin-page.php'); }
Redirect to the comments page with a custom message
Redirect the user to the comments page and display a custom message after editing a comment.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'redirect_with_custom_message', 10, 2); function redirect_with_custom_message($location, $comment_id) { return add_query_arg('message', 'custom', $location); }
Redirect to the user’s profile page
Redirect the user to their own profile page after editing a comment.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'redirect_to_user_profile', 10, 2); function redirect_to_user_profile($location, $comment_id) { return admin_url('profile.php'); }
Redirect to a custom URL based on the comment’s post category
Redirect the user to a custom URL depending on the category of the post the comment was made on.
add_filter('comment_edit_redirect', 'redirect_based_on_category', 10, 2); function redirect_based_on_category($location, $comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($comment->comment_post_ID); // Check the first category $category = get_category($post_categories[0]); if ($category->name === 'Category 1') { return ''; } elseif ($category->name === 'Category 2') { return ''; } return $location; }