Using WordPress ‘edit_comment_link()’ PHP function

The edit_comment_link() WordPress PHP function displays the edit comment link with formatting.


Here’s a simple usage example:

edit_comment_link( 'Edit Your Comment', '<div>', '</div>' );

In this example, the function will display the edit comment link, with the text saying “Edit Your Comment”, enclosed within a ‘div’ tag.


  • $text (string, optional): This is the anchor text. If not provided, the default text is ‘Edit This’.
  • $before (string, optional): This is the content to be displayed before the edit link. By default, this is an empty string (”).
  • $after (string, optional): This is the content to be displayed after the edit link. By default, this is an empty string (”).

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: edit_comment_link()

This function is part of the core WordPress code, and is not deprecated as of the last known update.



In this case, the edit comment link will be displayed with the default text ‘Edit This’.

Changing the anchor text

edit_comment_link( 'Modify Comment' );

Here, the edit comment link will be displayed with the text ‘Modify Comment’ instead of the default ‘Edit This’.

edit_comment_link( 'Modify Comment', 'Please ', ' this comment.' );

The edit comment link will now display as “Please Modify Comment this comment.”

edit_comment_link( 'Modify Comment', '<strong>', '</strong>' );

This will make the ‘Modify Comment’ text bold.

edit_comment_link( 'Modify Comment', '<div class="edit-link"><em>', '</em></div>' );

This will display the ‘Modify Comment’ text in italics, enclosed within a div tag with the class “edit-link”.