Using WordPress ‘edit_form_image_editor()’ PHP function

The edit_form_image_editor() WordPress PHP function displays the image and editor in the post editor.


To use edit_form_image_editor(), you need to pass in a WordPress post object as a parameter. Here’s an example of how you might do that:

$post = get_post($post_id); // getting a post object using post ID
edit_form_image_editor($post); // displaying image and editor in the post editor

In this example, we first retrieve a post object using the get_post() function and the ID of the post we’re interested in. Then we call edit_form_image_editor() with the post object as an argument.


  • $post (WP_Post – Required): This is the post object that you want to display the image and editor for.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: edit_form_image_editor()


Display Image and Editor for a Specific Post

In this example, we’ll display the image and editor for a post with an ID of 12.

$post = get_post(12);

This code will fetch the post with the ID of 12 and display its image and editor.

Display Image and Editor for the Latest Post

Here, we’re getting the latest post and displaying its image and editor.

$recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts(array('numberposts' => 1));
$post = get_post($recent_posts[0]['ID']);

This code first fetches the most recent post using wp_get_recent_posts() and then displays its image and editor.

Display Image and Editor for a Random Post

This example retrieves a random post and displays its image and editor.

$posts = get_posts(array('numberposts' => -1));
$post = $posts[array_rand($posts)];

In this code, we first get all posts with get_posts(), then select a random post using array_rand() and display its image and editor.

Display Image and Editor for a Post from a Specific Category

This example shows how to display the image and editor for the latest post from a specific category, in this case, the category with the slug ‘news’.

$recent_posts = get_posts(array('category_name' => 'news', 'numberposts' => 1));
$post = $recent_posts[0];

This code fetches the latest post from the ‘news’ category and displays its image and editor.

Display Image and Editor for a Post with a Specific Tag

In this last example, we’ll display the image and editor for the latest post with a specific tag, in this case, the tag with the slug ‘featured’.

$recent_posts = get_posts(array('tag' => 'featured', 'numberposts' => 1));
$post = $recent_posts[0];

This code fetches the latest post tagged ‘featured’ and displays its image and editor.