Using WordPress ‘edit_tag_link()’ PHP function

The edit_tag_link() WordPress PHP function displays or retrieves the edit link for a tag with formatting.


Here’s a generic example of how to use the function:

edit_tag_link('Edit Tag', '<p>', '</p>', $tag);

In this example, ‘Edit Tag’ is the anchor text, ‘

‘ and ‘

‘ are the HTML elements before and after the link respectively, and $tag is the term object.


  • $link (string) Optional: This is the anchor text. If empty, default is ‘Edit This’. Default: ''
  • $before (string) Optional: This is displayed before the edit link. Default: ''
  • $after (string) Optional: This is displayed after the edit link. Default: ''
  • $tag (WP_Term) Optional: This is the term object. If null, the queried object will be inspected. Default: null

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: edit_tag_link()
Note: This function is included in WordPress since version 2.7.0.


Default Usage

This example will display the edit tag link with the default settings.


This example will display the edit tag link with custom link text “Edit Tag”.

edit_tag_link('Edit Tag');

With HTML Tags

This example will display the edit tag link with custom link text “Edit Tag” within a paragraph <p> tag.

edit_tag_link('Edit Tag', '<p>', '</p>');

With Specific Tag

This example will display the edit tag link for a specific tag object $tag.

edit_tag_link('Edit Tag', '<p>', '</p>', $tag);

This example will display the edit tag link with default link text “Edit This” within a div <div> tag for a specific tag object $tag.

edit_tag_link('', '<div>', '</div>', $tag);