Using WordPress ’embed_maybe_make_link’ PHP filter

The embed_maybe_make_link WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the returned, maybe-linked embed URL.


add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2);

function your_custom_function($output, $url) {
    // your custom code here
    return $output;


  • $output (string) – The linked or original URL.
  • $url (string) – The original URL.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: embed_maybe_make_link


Add a custom CSS class to the embedded link for styling purposes.

add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'add_css_class_to_embed', 10, 2);

function add_css_class_to_embed($output, $url) {
    $output = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="custom-embed-class" ', $output);
    return $output;

Add a custom data attribute to the embedded link for JavaScript usage.

add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'add_data_attribute_to_embed', 10, 2);

function add_data_attribute_to_embed($output, $url) {
    $output = str_replace('<a ', '<a data-custom-attribute="value" ', $output);
    return $output;

Make the embedded link open in a new browser tab.

add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'embed_link_new_tab', 10, 2);

function embed_link_new_tab($output, $url) {
    $output = str_replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $output);
    return $output;

Remove the link from the embedded URL, displaying the URL as plain text.

add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'remove_link_from_embed', 10, 2);

function remove_link_from_embed($output, $url) {
    return strip_tags($output);

Replace the embedded link with a custom link of your choice.

add_filter('embed_maybe_make_link', 'replace_embed_link', 10, 2);

function replace_embed_link($output, $url) {
    $custom_link = '';
    return str_replace($url, $custom_link, $output);