Using WordPress ‘endElement()’ PHP function

The endElement() WordPress PHP function is an XML callback function. It is called at the end of an XML tag.


Here is a custom example showing how to use endElement():

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    echo "Ended tag: {$tag_name}\n";

xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'startTag', 'endTag');

In this case, when an XML tag ends, this function will output a message stating which tag has ended.


  • $parser (resource): Required. The XML Parser resource.
  • $tag_name (string): Required. The name of the XML tag.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: endElement()
The endElement() function is not version-specific or deprecated as of the last update. Its source code can be found in the WordPress core files. Related functions include startElement() and characterData().


Simple XML Parsing

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    echo "Ended tag: {$tag_name}\n";

xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'startTag', 'endTag');

In this example, the function is used to echo a message every time an XML tag ends.

Keeping Track of Closed Tags

$closedTags = [];

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    global $closedTags;
    $closedTags[] = $tag_name;

This example keeps track of all closed tags by storing them in an array.

Verifying Tag Closure

$lastOpenedTag = '';

function startTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    global $lastOpenedTag;
    $lastOpenedTag = $tag_name;

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    global $lastOpenedTag;
    if ($lastOpenedTag == $tag_name) {
        echo "Tag {$tag_name} correctly closed.\n";

In this example, we verify if the last opened tag is the one being closed.

Counting Closed Tags

$closedTagsCount = 0;

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    global $closedTagsCount;
    echo "Total closed tags: {$closedTagsCount}\n";

In this scenario, we’re counting the total number of closed tags.

Identifying Specific Tag Closure

function endTag($parser, $tag_name) {
    if ($tag_name == 'BOOK') {
        echo "Book tag closed.\n";

This function checks if a specific XML tag (in this case, ‘BOOK’) has been closed.