Using WordPress ‘filter_block_kses()’ PHP function

The filter_block_kses() WordPress PHP function sanitizes a parsed block by filtering out non-allowable HTML from block attribute values.


To use filter_block_kses(), you will pass in the parsed block object, the allowed HTML context or an array of allowed HTML elements and attributes, and optionally, an array of allowed URL protocols.

$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, 'post');

In this example, $block represents the parsed block object and ‘post’ is the context for the allowed HTML. The function returns a sanitized block object, $clean_block.


  • $block (WP_Block_Parser_Block) – The parsed block object that needs sanitizing.
  • $allowed_html (array | string) – An array of allowed HTML elements and attributes, or a context name such as ‘post’. For the list of accepted context names, see wp_kses_allowed_html().
  • $allowed_protocols (string) – Optional parameter. This is an array of allowed URL protocols. By default, it uses the result of wp_allowed_protocols().

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: filter_block_kses()

This function is crucial in maintaining the security and integrity of your WordPress site by ensuring that only allowed HTML and URL protocols are included in your block attributes.


Sanitize a block with a post context

This code sanitizes a block with the ‘post’ context, which allows only HTML suitable for post content.

$block = new WP_Block_Parser_Block('my-block', array('content' => '<a href="">Example</a>'));
$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, 'post');

Allow only specific HTML elements

In this case, we’re allowing only <p> and <a> tags in the block content.

$allowed_html = array('a' => array(), 'p' => array());
$block = new WP_Block_Parser_Block('my-block', array('content' => '<p><a href="">Example</a></p>'));
$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, $allowed_html);

Using an array of allowed protocols

This code defines a custom set of allowed URL protocols and uses them to sanitize a block.

$protocols = array('http', 'https', 'mailto');
$block = new WP_Block_Parser_Block('my-block', array('content' => '<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Example</a>'));
$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, 'post', $protocols);

Sanitize a block with a custom context

This code sanitizes a block with a custom context of ‘custom’.

$block = new WP_Block_Parser_Block('my-block', array('content' => '<a href="">Example</a>'));
$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, 'custom');

Sanitize a block with no URL protocols allowed

In this example, no URL protocols are allowed, so any links in the block content will be removed.

$block = new WP_Block_Parser_Block('my-block', array('content' => '<a href="">Example</a>'));
$clean_block = filter_block_kses($block, 'post', array());