The get_avatar_comment_types WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the list of allowed comment types for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'your_custom_function'); function your_custom_function($types) { // your custom code here return $types; }
- $types (array): An array of content types. By default, it only contains ‘comment’.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: get_avatar_comment_types
Add a custom comment type to the allowed list
Add a custom comment type ‘review’ to the allowed list of comment types for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'add_review_comment_type'); function add_review_comment_type($types) { $types[] = 'review'; return $types; }
Remove ‘comment’ type from the allowed list
Remove the default ‘comment’ type from the allowed list of comment types for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'remove_comment_type'); function remove_comment_type($types) { unset($types[array_search('comment', $types)]); return $types; }
Allow only custom comment types
Allow only custom comment types ‘review’ and ‘testimonial’ for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'allow_only_custom_comment_types'); function allow_only_custom_comment_types($types) { $types = ['review', 'testimonial']; return $types; }
Add multiple custom comment types
Add multiple custom comment types ‘review’, ‘testimonial’, and ‘feedback’ to the allowed list of comment types for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'add_multiple_comment_types'); function add_multiple_comment_types($types) { array_push($types, 'review', 'testimonial', 'feedback'); return $types; }
Clear all allowed comment types
Clear all allowed comment types for retrieving avatars.
add_filter('get_avatar_comment_types', 'clear_allowed_comment_types'); function clear_allowed_comment_types($types) { $types = []; return $types; }