Using WordPress ‘get_comments_pagination_arrow()’ PHP function

The get_comments_pagination_arrow() WordPress PHP function is a helper function that returns the proper pagination arrow HTML for CommentsPaginationNext and CommentsPaginationPrevious blocks based on the provided paginationArrow from CommentsPagination context.


get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, $pagination_type);


  • $block (WP_Block): Required parameter representing the block instance.
  • $pagination_type (string): Optional parameter specifying the type of arrow to be rendered. Accepts ‘next’ or ‘previous’. Default value is ‘next’.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_comments_pagination_arrow()


Displaying the next arrow for comments pagination

In this example, we’ll display the next arrow for comments pagination using the get_comments_pagination_arrow() function.

// Fetching the block instance.
$block = ...;

// Calling the function with the 'next' arrow type.
$next_arrow = get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'next');

// Displaying the next arrow.
echo $next_arrow;

Displaying the previous arrow for comments pagination

In this example, we’ll display the previous arrow for comments pagination using the get_comments_pagination_arrow() function.

// Fetching the block instance.
$block = ...;

// Calling the function with the 'previous' arrow type.
$previous_arrow = get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'previous');

// Displaying the previous arrow.
echo $previous_arrow;

Customizing comments pagination with arrows

In this example, we’ll customize comments pagination by adding the next and previous arrows.

// Fetching the block instance.
$block = ...;

// Fetching the next arrow.
$next_arrow = get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'next');

// Fetching the previous arrow.
$previous_arrow = get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'previous');

// Displaying the customized comments pagination.
echo $previous_arrow . ' ' . $next_arrow;

Conditionally displaying the next arrow for comments pagination

In this example, we’ll conditionally display the next arrow for comments pagination if there are more comments.

// Fetching the block instance.
$block = ...;

// Checking if there are more comments.
if (get_next_comments_link()) {
    // Fetching and displaying the next arrow.
    echo get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'next');

Conditionally displaying the previous arrow for comments pagination

In this example, we’ll conditionally display the previous arrow for comments pagination if there are previous comments.

// Fetching the block instance.
$block = ...;

// Checking if there are previous comments.
if (get_previous_comments_link()) {
    // Fetching and displaying the previous arrow.
    echo get_comments_pagination_arrow($block, 'previous');