Using WordPress ‘get_search_form()’ PHP function

The get_search_form() WordPress PHP function displays the search form on your website.


get_search_form( array(
    'echo' => true,
    'aria_label' => 'Search this website'
) );


  • $args (array, optional) – Array of display arguments:
    • echo (bool) – Whether to echo or return the form. Default is true.
    • aria_label (string) – ARIA label for the search form. Useful to distinguish multiple search forms on the same page and improve accessibility.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_search_form


Display search form with default settings

The following code displays the search form with the default settings.


Display search form with a custom ARIA label

This example demonstrates how to set a custom ARIA label for the search form.

get_search_form( array(
    'aria_label' => 'Search our blog'
) );

Return search form as a string

This example shows how to return the search form as a string instead of echoing it.

$search_form = get_search_form( array(
    'echo' => false
) );

Display multiple search forms on the same page

The following example demonstrates how to display two search forms on the same page with different ARIA labels.

get_search_form( array(
    'aria_label' => 'Search articles'
) );

get_search_form( array(
    'aria_label' => 'Search products'
) );

Customize search form using a filter

This example shows how to customize the search form HTML using the get_search_form filter.

function custom_search_form( $form ) {
    // Customize the search form HTML here
    return $form;
add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'custom_search_form' );