Using WordPress ‘get_the_post_thumbnail_caption()’ PHP function

The get_the_post_thumbnail_caption() WordPress PHP function retrieves the caption of a post thumbnail.


To use the get_the_post_thumbnail_caption() function, simply pass the post ID or WP_Post object as the parameter. If no parameter is passed, it will use the global $post by default.

echo get_the_post_thumbnail_caption($post_id);


  • $post (int|WP_Post) – Optional. Post ID or WP_Post object. Default is global $post.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_the_post_thumbnail_caption()


Display the thumbnail caption for the current post

In this example, the thumbnail caption for the current post will be displayed.

echo get_the_post_thumbnail_caption();

Display the thumbnail caption for a specific post by ID

In this example, we will display the thumbnail caption for a specific post with the ID 42.

$post_id = 42;
echo get_the_post_thumbnail_caption($post_id);

Display the thumbnail caption for a WP_Post object

In this example, we will display the thumbnail caption for a WP_Post object.

$wp_post = get_post(42);
echo get_the_post_thumbnail_caption($wp_post);

Check if a post thumbnail has a caption before displaying it

In this example, we will check if a post thumbnail has a caption before displaying it.

$caption = get_the_post_thumbnail_caption();

if (!empty($caption)) {
    echo $caption;

Display the thumbnail caption with custom HTML

In this example, we will display the thumbnail caption within custom HTML.

$caption = get_the_post_thumbnail_caption();
echo '<span class="thumbnail-caption">' . $caption . '</span>';

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