Using WordPress ‘get_theme_update_available()’ PHP function

The get_theme_update_available() WordPress PHP function retrieves the update link if there is a theme update available.


get_theme_update_available( $theme );

Input: $theme – A WP_Theme object
Output: Returns the update link or false if no update is available.


  • $theme (WP_Theme) – Required. The WP_Theme object to check for updates.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_theme_update_available()


Check if a theme update is available

This example checks if a theme update is available for the current theme.

$current_theme = wp_get_theme();
$update_link = get_theme_update_available( $current_theme );

if ( $update_link ) {
    echo "Update available: " . $update_link;
} else {
    echo "No update available.";

This example loops through all installed themes and displays the update link if an update is available.

$themes = wp_get_themes();

foreach ( $themes as $theme ) {
    $update_link = get_theme_update_available( $theme );

    if ( $update_link ) {
        echo $theme->get( 'Name' ) . " update available: " . $update_link . "<br>";
    } else {
        echo $theme->get( 'Name' ) . " - No update available.<br>";

Show update notification for a specific theme

This example checks if a specific theme (e.g., “Twenty Twenty-One”) has an update available and shows a notification message.

$theme_name = "Twenty Twenty-One";
$theme = wp_get_theme( $theme_name );
$update_link = get_theme_update_available( $theme );

if ( $update_link ) {
    echo "Update available for " . $theme_name . ": " . $update_link;
} else {
    echo "No update available for " . $theme_name . ".";

This example checks if a child theme and its parent theme have updates available and displays the update links.

$child_theme = wp_get_theme();
$parent_theme = $child_theme->parent();

$update_link_child = get_theme_update_available( $child_theme );
$update_link_parent = $parent_theme ? get_theme_update_available( $parent_theme ) : false;

echo "Child theme: " . $child_theme->get( 'Name' ) . "<br>";
if ( $update_link_child ) {
    echo "Update available: " . $update_link_child . "<br>";
} else {
    echo "No update available.<br>";

if ( $parent_theme ) {
    echo "Parent theme: " . $parent_theme->get( 'Name' ) . "<br>";
    if ( $update_link_parent ) {
        echo "Update available: " . $update_link_parent . "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "No update available.<br>";
} else {
    echo "No parent theme.<br>";