Using WordPress ‘get_usernumposts()’ PHP function

The get_usernumposts() WordPress PHP function retrieves the number of posts a user has written.


$total_posts = get_usernumposts( $userid );


  • $userid (int) – Required. The user ID for whom you want to count the posts.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_usernumposts()


Display total posts for a user

This example displays the total number of posts written by a user with the ID 2.

$userid = 2;
$total_posts = get_usernumposts($userid);
echo 'User ' . $userid . ' has written ' . $total_posts . ' posts.';

Display posts count for the current user

This example displays the total number of posts written by the currently logged-in user.

$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$total_posts = get_usernumposts($current_user->ID);
echo 'You have written ' . $total_posts . ' posts.';

Display posts count for all users

This example displays the total number of posts written by all users on the website.

$users = get_users();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    $total_posts = get_usernumposts($user->ID);
    echo 'User ' . $user->display_name . ' has written ' . $total_posts . ' posts.<br>';

Display users with more than 10 posts

This example displays the list of users who have written more than 10 posts.

$users = get_users();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    $total_posts = get_usernumposts($user->ID);
    if ($total_posts > 10) {
        echo 'User ' . $user->display_name . ' has written ' . $total_posts . ' posts.<br>';

Display the total posts for a specific user role

This example displays the total number of posts written by users with the ‘author’ role.

$authors = get_users(array('role' => 'author'));
$total_posts = 0;
foreach ($authors as $author) {
    $total_posts += get_usernumposts($author->ID);
echo 'Authors have written a total of ' . $total_posts . ' posts.';