Using WordPress ‘human_readable_duration()’ PHP function

The human_readable_duration() WordPress PHP function converts a duration to human-readable format.


$readable_duration = human_readable_duration('4:30:25');

Input: ‘4:30:25’

Output: ‘4 hours, 30 minutes, 25 seconds’


  • $duration (string, optional): Duration in the format (HH:ii:ss) or (ii:ss), with a possible prepended negative sign (-). Default: ”

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: human_readable_duration


Basic usage

Convert a duration to a human-readable format.

$duration = '4:30:25';
$readable_duration = human_readable_duration($duration);
echo $readable_duration; // Output: 4 hours, 30 minutes, 25 seconds

Negative duration

Convert a negative duration to a human-readable format.

$duration = '-2:15:10';
$readable_duration = human_readable_duration($duration);
echo $readable_duration; // Output: -2 hours, 15 minutes, 10 seconds

Duration in minutes and seconds

Convert a duration in minutes and seconds to a human-readable format.

$duration = '45:15';
$readable_duration = human_readable_duration($duration);
echo $readable_duration; // Output: 45 minutes, 15 seconds

Duration from seconds

Convert a duration in seconds to a human-readable format.

$seconds = 121;
$duration = gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds);
$readable_duration = human_readable_duration($duration);
echo $readable_duration; // Output: 0 hours, 2 minutes, 1 second

Empty duration

Handle an empty duration string.

$duration = '';
$readable_duration = human_readable_duration($duration);
echo $readable_duration; // Output: 0 hours,