The insert_with_markers_inline_instructions WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the inline instructions inserted before the dynamically generated content.
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2); function your_custom_function($instructions, $marker) { // your custom code here return $instructions; }
(array): An array of strings with inline instructions.$marker
(string): The marker being inserted.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: insert_with_markers_inline_instructions
Add a custom instruction
Add a custom instruction to the inline instructions:
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'add_custom_instruction', 10, 2); function add_custom_instruction($instructions, $marker) { $instructions[] = 'Custom Instruction: This is a custom instruction'; return $instructions; }
Remove a specific instruction
Remove a specific instruction from the inline instructions:
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'remove_specific_instruction', 10, 2); function remove_specific_instruction($instructions, $marker) { $instruction_to_remove = 'Instruction to remove'; if (($key = array_search($instruction_to_remove, $instructions)) !== false) { unset($instructions[$key]); } return $instructions; }
Clear all instructions
Clear all inline instructions:
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'clear_all_instructions', 10, 2); function clear_all_instructions($instructions, $marker) { return array(); }
Modify a specific instruction
Modify a specific instruction:
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'modify_specific_instruction', 10, 2); function modify_specific_instruction($instructions, $marker) { $search_instruction = 'Original Instruction'; $new_instruction = 'Modified Instruction'; if (($key = array_search($search_instruction, $instructions)) !== false) { $instructions[$key] = $new_instruction; } return $instructions; }
Add instructions based on marker
Add different instructions based on the marker:
add_filter('insert_with_markers_inline_instructions', 'add_instructions_based_on_marker', 10, 2); function add_instructions_based_on_marker($instructions, $marker) { if ($marker === 'MARKER_A') { $instructions[] = 'Instruction for Marker A'; } elseif ($marker === 'MARKER_B') { $instructions[] = 'Instruction for Marker B'; } return $instructions; }