The is_post_type_viewable WordPress PHP Filter determines if a post type is considered “viewable”.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'your_function_name', 10, 2); function your_function_name($is_viewable, $post_type) { // your custom code here return $is_viewable; }
- $is_viewable (bool): Whether the post type is “viewable” (strict type).
- $post_type (WP_Post_Type): Post type object.
More Information
See WordPress Developer Resources: is_post_type_viewable
Make a custom post type viewable
In this example, we’ll make a custom post type called “special_post” viewable.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'make_special_post_viewable', 10, 2); function make_special_post_viewable($is_viewable, $post_type) { if ($post_type->name === 'special_post') { return true; } return $is_viewable; }
Hide a specific post type
In this example, we’ll hide a post type called “hidden_post” from being viewable.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'hide_hidden_post', 10, 2); function hide_hidden_post($is_viewable, $post_type) { if ($post_type->name === 'hidden_post') { return false; } return $is_viewable; }
Make all post types viewable
In this example, we’ll make all post types viewable.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'make_all_post_types_viewable', 10, 2); function make_all_post_types_viewable($is_viewable, $post_type) { return true; }
Hide all post types
In this example, we’ll hide all post types from being viewable.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'hide_all_post_types', 10, 2); function hide_all_post_types($is_viewable, $post_type) { return false; }
Make post types viewable based on a condition
In this example, we’ll make post types viewable only if the current user is an administrator.
add_filter('is_post_type_viewable', 'conditionally_make_post_types_viewable', 10, 2); function conditionally_make_post_types_viewable($is_viewable, $post_type) { if (current_user_can('administrator')) { return true; } return $is_viewable; }