Using WordPress ‘make_site_theme()’ PHP function

The make_site_theme() WordPress PHP function creates a site theme.


make_site_theme('My Custom Theme');


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: make_site_theme


Create a Basic Site Theme

Create a basic site theme with a custom name.

// Creates a site theme called 'My Custom Theme'
make_site_theme('My Custom Theme');

Create a Site Theme with Child Theme Support

Create a site theme that supports child themes.

// Register a new theme called 'Parent Theme'
make_site_theme('Parent Theme');

// Register a child theme for the 'Parent Theme'
make_site_theme('Child Theme', 'Parent Theme');

Create a Site Theme with Custom Templates

Create a site theme with custom templates.

// Register a new theme called 'Custom Template Theme'
make_site_theme('Custom Template Theme');

// Add custom templates to the theme
add_template('header', 'Custom Template Theme');
add_template('footer', 'Custom Template Theme');

Create a Site Theme with Custom Stylesheets

Create a site theme with custom stylesheets.

// Register a new theme called 'Stylish Theme'
make_site_theme('Stylish Theme');

// Add custom stylesheets to the theme
add_stylesheet('main', 'Stylish Theme');
add_stylesheet('responsive', 'Stylish Theme');

Create a Site Theme with Custom JavaScript Files

Create a site theme with custom JavaScript files.

// Register a new theme called 'Interactive Theme'
make_site_theme('Interactive Theme');

// Add custom JavaScript files to the theme
add_script('main', 'Interactive Theme');
add_script('additional', 'Interactive Theme');