Using WordPress ‘media_upload_{$tab}’ PHP action

The media_upload_{$tab} WordPress action fires inside limited and specific upload-tab views in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup.


add_action('media_upload_library', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function() {
// your custom code here


  • There are no parameters for this action.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: media_upload_{$tab}

Please note that this action is specific to the legacy media popup (pre-3.5.0) and might not be suitable for newer versions of WordPress.


Customizing the Media Library tab

To add custom content to the Media Library tab in the legacy media popup:

add_action('media_upload_library', 'customize_media_library_tab');
function customize_media_library_tab() {
    echo 'Custom content added to the Media Library tab';

Adding a custom tab

To add a new custom tab to the legacy media popup:

add_filter('media_upload_tabs', 'add_custom_media_tab');
function add_custom_media_tab($tabs) {
    $tabs['custom_tab'] = 'Custom Tab';
    return $tabs;

add_action('media_upload_custom_tab', 'custom_tab_content');
function custom_tab_content() {
    echo 'Content for Custom Tab';

Modifying the library tab behavior

To change the behavior of the Media Library tab in the legacy media popup:

add_action('media_upload_library', 'modify_library_tab_behavior');
function modify_library_tab_behavior() {
// Add custom code to modify the Media Library tab behavior

Adding custom JavaScript to a specific tab

To add custom JavaScript to the Media Library tab in the legacy media popup:

add_action('media_upload_library', 'enqueue_custom_js');
function enqueue_custom_js() {
    wp_enqueue_script('custom-js', 'path/to/your/custom-js-file.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true);

Removing a default tab

To remove the default Media Library tab from the legacy media popup:

add_filter('media_upload_tabs', 'remove_media_library_tab');
function remove_media_library_tab($tabs) {
    return $tabs;