Using WordPress ‘post_exists()’ PHP function

The post_exists() WordPress PHP function determines if a post exists based on its title, content, date, type, and status.


$post_id = post_exists($title, $content = '', $date = '', $type = '', $status = '');


  • $title (string) – Required. The post title.
  • $content (string) – Optional. The post content. Default: ”.
  • $date (string) – Optional. The post date. Default: ”.
  • $type (string) – Optional. The post type. Default: ”.
  • $status (string) – Optional. The post status. Default: ”.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: post_exists


Check if post exists by title

$found_post = post_exists("My Post Title");
echo $found_post ? "Found post at id #$found_post" : "Can't find post!";

Check if a custom post type (e.g., ‘news’) exists by title

$found_post = post_exists("My Post Title", '', '', 'news');
echo $found_post ? "Found post at id #$found_post" : "Can't find post!";

Check if a post exists by title and content

$found_post = post_exists("My Post Title", "This is the post content.");
echo $found_post ? "Found post at id #$found_post" : "Can't find post!";

Check if a post exists by title, content, and date

$found_post = post_exists("My Post Title", "This is the post content.", "2023-05-04");
echo $found_post ? "Found post at id #$found_post" : "Can't find post!";

Check if a post exists by title, content, date, type, and status

$found_post = post_exists("My Post Title", "This is the post content.", "2023-05-04", 'post', 'publish');
echo $found_post ? "Found post at id #$found_post" : "Can't find post!";