Using WordPress ‘quicktags_settings’ PHP filter

The ‘quicktags_settings’ filter allows you to modify the Quicktags settings of a WordPress editor.


add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'my_custom_quicktags_settings', 10, 2 );

function my_custom_quicktags_settings( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    // Your custom code here
    return $qtInit;


  • $qtInit (array): The Quicktags settings array.
  • $editor_id (string): Unique editor identifier, e.g. ‘content’.


Add a custom button to the Quicktags toolbar

add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'add_custom_quicktag_button', 10, 2 );

function add_custom_quicktag_button( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    // Add custom button to the toolbar
    $qtInit['buttons'] .= ',custom_button';

    // Return the modified settings
    return $qtInit;

This code adds a custom button called “custom_button” to the Quicktags toolbar for the specified editor.

Remove the ‘strong’ button from the Quicktags toolbar

add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'remove_strong_button', 10, 2 );

function remove_strong_button( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    // Remove 'strong' button from the toolbar
    $qtInit['buttons'] = str_replace( ',strong', '', $qtInit['buttons'] );

    // Return the modified settings
    return $qtInit;

This code removes the ‘strong’ button from the Quicktags toolbar for the specified editor.

Change the order of buttons in the Quicktags toolbar

add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'change_quicktag_buttons_order', 10, 2 );

function change_quicktag_buttons_order( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    // Set new order for the buttons
    $qtInit['buttons'] = 'link,em,strong';

    // Return the modified settings
    return $qtInit;

This code changes the order of buttons in the Quicktags toolbar for the specified editor.

Disable the Quicktags toolbar for a specific editor

add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'disable_quicktags_for_specific_editor', 10, 2 );

function disable_quicktags_for_specific_editor( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    if ( $editor_id === 'my_custom_editor' ) {
        $qtInit['buttons'] = '';

    // Return the modified settings
    return $qtInit;

This code disables the Quicktags toolbar for a specific editor with the ID ‘my_custom_editor’.

Add custom settings to the Quicktags toolbar

add_filter( 'quicktags_settings', 'add_custom_quicktags_settings', 10, 2 );

function add_custom_quicktags_settings( $qtInit, $editor_id ) {
    // Add custom settings to the toolbar
    $qtInit['custom_setting'] = 'custom_value';

    // Return the modified settings
    return $qtInit;

This code adds a custom setting to the Quicktags toolbar for the specified editor.