What’s new in Gravity Forms 2.1.3

Released 14 February 2017 – Gravity Forms 2.1.3 introduced security improvements, improved language translations, improved PHP 7.1 support and two new filters.


No further information was provided other than ‘Added security enhancements’ – but any update that includes security enhancements is worth installing as soon as possible.

Language Translations

Gravity Forms now ships with native support for Dutch (Belgium).

Improved PHP 7.1 Support

Updates were made to resolve PHP notices and warnings which occurred when saving a new confirmation with PHP 7.1.

New filters

Version 2.1.3 introduced two new filters – gform_target_page and gform_order_summary.


The gform_target_page filter allows you to change the target page when navigating a multi-page form or submitting the form.

For more information see the official documentation on the Gravity Forms website: https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/gform_target_page/


The gform_order_summary filter allows you to change the HTML markup for an order summary which is displayed in

  • the entry detail page,
  • the {all_fields} merge tag and
  • the {pricing_fields} merge tag.

For more information see the official documentation on the Gravity Forms website: https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/gform_order_summary/


The full official release on the Gravity Forms website: https://www.gravityhelp.com/gravity-forms-v2-1-3-released/