Entourage Connecting to Exchange 2007

How to connect Entourage 2008 (Version 12.1.5) to an Exchange 2007 mailbox.

  1. Start Entourage by clicking on the ‘e’ icon on the Dock, or by using the ‘Go’ menu, selecting ‘Applications’, opening the ‘Microsoft Office 2008′ folder, then double clicking on the ‘Microsoft Entourage’ icon.
  2. If this is the first time Entourage (or any other Microsoft Office 2008 product) is loaded a wizard will load, select the appropriate answers and click next until completed. When this wizard is finished you will need to start Entourage again.
  3. Select the ‘Entourage’ menu and select the ‘Account Settings’ option
  4. Click on the ‘New’ icon and select ‘Exchange’
  5. Click on the ‘Configure Account Manually’ button at the bottom left of the window
  6. Enter in the following configuration:
    • Account Name: The User Name
    • Name: The User Name
    • Account ID: The Network logon
    • Domain: The Authentication Domain
    • Password: The Current Network Password for the account
    • Exchange Server: This part is a little messy with this version of Entourage, it needs to entered in as the URL to the mailbox, which should be – Full DNS address to Exchange server followed by ‘/exchange/’ followed by the default SMPT for the mailbox. For Example –
      exchange2007.mockbox.net/exchange/[email protected]
    • ‘This DAV service requires a secure connection (SSL)’ – Enabled
  7. Select the ‘Advanced’ Tab and enter the following configuration:
    • LDAP Server: This needs to be one of your Active Directory domain controllers for the address book.
    • ‘This server requires me to log on’ – Enabled
  8. Click on ‘OK’ to save the changes

The new mailbox should now appear above the original mailbox on the left hand side of Entourage.

It will continue to prompt for the password each time the user starts Entourage.