Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_after_delete_form’ PHP action

The gform_after_delete_form is a Gravity Forms filter that allows you to perform actions right after a form is deleted in your WordPress site.


add_action( 'gform_after_delete_form', 'my_custom_function' );
function my_custom_function( $form_id ) {
    // your custom code here
    return $form_id;


  • $form_id (integer): The ID of the form that has been deleted.

More Information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_after_delete_form

This filter hook is available since Gravity Forms version 2.5 and is not deprecated. The source code is located in GFFormsModel::delete_form() in form_model.php.


Logging Form Deletion

This example records the deletion of a form in a log file. It captures the time of deletion, the username of the user who deleted the form, and the ID of the deleted form.

add_action( 'gform_after_delete_form', 'log_form_deletion' );
function log_form_deletion( $form_id ) {
    // Path to the log file
    $log_file_path = ABSPATH . '/gf_deleted_forms.log';

    // Open the file in append mode
    $file = fopen( $log_file_path, 'a' );

    // Get the current user
    $user = wp_get_current_user();

    // Write the log entry
    fwrite( $file, date( 'c' ) . " - Form deleted by {$user->user_login}. Form ID: {$form_id}.\n" );

    // Close the file
    fclose( $file );

The ABSPATH variable contains the absolute path to the WordPress directory. The wp_get_current_user() function retrieves the current user’s data. The fwrite() function writes the log entry to the file. Finally, the fclose() function closes the file to free up system resources.