Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_dropbox_should_upload_file’ PHP filter

The gform_dropbox_should_upload_file filter allows you to determine if a file for a fileupload or dropbox type field should be uploaded to Dropbox.


Apply the filter to all forms:

add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 'your_function_name', 10, 7);

Target a specific form (append form ID):

add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_2', 'your_function_name', 10, 7);

Target a specific field (append form ID and field ID):

add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_2_3', 'your_function_name', 10, 7);


  • $should_upload_file (boolean) – Indicates if the file should be uploaded to Dropbox.
  • $url (string) – The URL of the file from the entry.
  • $existing (false | array) – False or an array of files previously uploaded to Dropbox for the current field and entry.
  • $field (Field Object) – The current fileupload or dropbox field object.
  • $form (Form Object) – The form containing the current field.
  • $entry (Entry Object) – The entry currently being processed.
  • $feed (Feed Object) – The feed currently being processed.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_dropbox_should_upload_file


Log the parameters

This example logs the parameters available to this filter.

add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7);
add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_18', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7);
add_filter('gform_dropbox_should_upload_file_18_6', 'log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file', 10, 7);

function log_gform_dropbox_should_upload_file($should_upload_file, $url, $existing, $field, $form, $entry, $feed) {
    gf_dropbox()->log_debug(current_filter() . ': ' . print_r(func_get_args(), true));

    return $should_upload_file;

Place this code in the functions.php file of your active theme, a custom functions plugin, or your custom add-on. This filter was added in version 3.0.1. The filter is located in GFDropbox::should_upload_file() in class-gf-dropbox.php.