Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_other_choice_value’ PHP filter

The gform_other_choice_value Gravity Forms filter allows you to change the default “Other” placeholder text on Radio Button fields.


add_filter('gform_other_choice_value', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);


  • $value (string): The default value of the “Other” choice input.
  • $field (null | GF_Field): Null or the Field currently being prepared for display or being validated.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_other_choice_value


Change “Other” text for all fields

This example changes the “Other” text to “Enter your own value” for all fields.

add_filter('gform_other_choice_value', function($value, $field) {
    return 'Enter your own value';
}, 10, 2);

Change “Other” text for a specific field on a specific form

This example changes the “Other” text to “My Custom Text” only for a field with id 6 that is added to a form that has id 25.

add_filter('gform_other_choice_value', 'set_other_choice_value', 10, 2);

function set_other_choice_value($value, $field) {
    if (is_object($field) && 6 === $field->id && 25 === $field->formId) {
        $value = 'My Custom Text';
    return $value;

Note: This code should be placed in the functions.php file of your active theme.