Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_pre_process_async_notifications’ PHP action

The gform_pre_process_async_notifications Gravity Forms action hook allows you to perform custom actions just before the background processor sends queued notifications.


Add the following code to use the action hook:

add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'your_function_name', 10, 5);


  • $event (string): The event the notifications are to be sent for. Default is form_submission.
  • $notifications (array): An array containing the IDs of the notifications to be sent.
  • $form (Form Object): The form currently being processed.
  • $entry (Entry Object): The entry currently being processed.
  • $data (array): An array of data which can be used in the notifications via the generic {object:property} merge tag. Defaults to empty array.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_pre_process_async_notifications

This action hook was added in Gravity Forms v2.7.1.


Modify Notification Email Subject

To modify the notification email subject before it’s sent, use the following code:

function modify_email_subject($event, $notifications, $form, $entry, $data) {
    foreach ($notifications as $notification_id => $notification) {
        $notifications[$notification_id]['subject'] = 'Custom Subject: ' . $notification['subject'];
    return $notifications;
add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'modify_email_subject', 10, 5);

Add Custom Data to Notification

Add custom data to the notification that can be used as a merge tag:

function add_custom_data($event, $notifications, $form, $entry, $data) {
    $data['custom_data'] = 'Your custom data here.';
    return $data;
add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'add_custom_data', 10, 5);

Log Notifications Before Sending

Log notification details before they are sent:

function log_notifications($event, $notifications, $form, $entry, $data) {
    error_log(print_r($notifications, true));
add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'log_notifications', 10, 5);

Conditionally Send Notifications

Send notifications only if a specific condition is met:

function conditional_notifications($event, &$notifications, $form, $entry, $data) {
    if ($entry['1'] != 'send') {
        $notifications = array();
add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'conditional_notifications', 10, 5);

Modify Notification Recipient

Change the recipient email address for notifications:

function modify_recipient($event, $notifications, $form, $entry, $data) {
    foreach ($notifications as $notification_id => $notification) {
        $notifications[$notification_id]['to'] = '[email protected]';
    return $notifications;
add_action('gform_pre_process_async_notifications', 'modify_recipient', 10, 5);