The gform_product_qty filter is executed when displaying the order information grid on the entry detail page and notification emails. This filter is used to modify the “Qty” heading.
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);
- $label (string): The label to be filtered.
- $form_id (integer): The current form’s ID.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_product_qty
Change the default Qty label
This example changes the default “Qty” label to “Quantity”:
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'change_qty', 10, 2); function change_qty($label, $form_id) { return 'Quantity'; }
Add form ID to the Qty label
This example appends the form ID to the “Qty” label:
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'add_form_id_to_qty', 10, 2); function add_form_id_to_qty($label, $form_id) { return $label . ' (Form ' . $form_id . ')'; }
Change the Qty label for a specific form
This example changes the “Qty” label only for a form with a specific ID:
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'change_qty_for_specific_form', 10, 2); function change_qty_for_specific_form($label, $form_id) { if ($form_id == 5) { return 'Custom Quantity'; } return $label; }
Change the Qty label based on user role
This example changes the “Qty” label based on the user’s role:
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'change_qty_based_on_user_role', 10, 2); function change_qty_based_on_user_role($label, $form_id) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if (in_array('administrator', (array) $user->roles)) { return 'Admin Quantity'; } return $label; }
Use a custom translation for the Qty label
This example uses a custom translation function for the “Qty” label:
add_filter('gform_product_qty', 'translate_qty_label', 10, 2); function translate_qty_label($label, $form_id) { return my_custom_translation_function($label); }