Using Gravity forms ‘gform_zohocrm_post_create_task’ PHP action

The gform_zohocrm_post_create_task action allows custom actions to be performed after creating a task in Gravity Forms.


add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'your_custom_function', 10, 5);

function your_custom_function($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    // your custom code here
    return $task_id;


  • $task_record (array) – The task record.
  • $task (array) – The task arguments.
  • $feed (array) – The feed object.
  • $entry (array) – The entry object.
  • $form (array) – The form object.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_zohocrm_post_create_task

This action was added in Zoho CRM version 1.8.

Source Code: This action is located in class-gf-zohocrm.php.


Send an email after task creation

Send an email notification to the admin after a task is created in Zoho CRM.

add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'send_email_after_task_creation', 10, 5);

function send_email_after_task_creation($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    $to = '[email protected]';
    $subject = 'New Task Created in Zoho CRM';
    $message = 'A new task has been created in Zoho CRM with the following details:' . "\r\n" . print_r($task_record, true);
    wp_mail($to, $subject, $message);

Add a note to the task

Add a note to the task in Zoho CRM after it is created. For this example, you’ll need the Zoho CRM API v2 PHP SDK.

add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'add_note_to_task', 10, 5);

function add_note_to_task($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    // Load Zoho CRM API v2 PHP SDK and set your API key
    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $zcrmConfig = array("client_id" => "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "client_secret" => "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET");

    // Get the access token
    $oAuthClient = ZohoOAuth::getClientInstance();
    $grantToken = "YOUR_GRANT_TOKEN";
    $oAuthTokens = $oAuthClient->generateAccessToken($grantToken);

    // Create a note and associate it with the task
    $task_id = $task_record['id'];
    $note_instance = ZCRMNote::getInstance(null);
    $note_instance->setTitle("Sample Note");
    $note_instance->setContent("This is a sample note added after creating the task.");

    $response = $note_instance->create();

Update a custom field in the task

Update a custom field in the task in Zoho CRM after it is created. For this example, you’ll need the Zoho CRM API v2 PHP SDK.

add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'update_custom_field_in_task', 10, 5);

function update_custom_field_in_task($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    // Load Zoho CRM API v2 PHP SDK and set your API key
    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $zcrmConfig = array("client_id" => "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "client_secret" => "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET");

    // Get the access token
    $oAuthClient = ZohoOAuth::getClientInstance();
    $grantToken = "YOUR_GRANT_TOKEN";
    $oAuthTokens = $oAuthClient->generateAccessToken($grantToken);

    // Update the custom field in the task
    $task_id = $task_record['id'];
    $task_instance = ZCRMTask::getInstance($task_id);
    $task_instance->setFieldValue("Custom_Field_API_Name", "Updated Value");

    $response = $task_instance->update();

Log task creation

Log task creation details to a file after a task is created in Zoho CRM.

add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'log_task_creation', 10, 5);

function log_task_creation($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    $log_file = 'task_creation.log';
    $log_message = 'Task created in Zoho CRM: ' . print_r($task_record, true) . "\r\n";
    file_put_contents($log_file, $log_message, FILE_APPEND);

Send a Slack notification

Send a Slack notification after a task is created in Zoho CRM. Make sure you replace your_slack_webhook_url with your actual Slack webhook URL.

add_action('gform_zohocrm_post_create_task', 'send_slack_notification', 10, 5);

function send_slack_notification($task_record, $task, $feed, $entry, $form) {
    $webhook_url = 'your_slack_webhook_url';
    $message = 'A new task has been created in Zoho CRM with the following details:' . "\n" . print_r($task_record, true);

    $payload = json_encode(array(
        'text' => $message

    $args = array(
        'body' => $payload,
        'headers' => array(
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json'

    wp_remote_post($webhook_url, $args);

In this example, the send_slack_notification function sends a message to Slack using the webhook URL provided. It converts the task details into a message and sends it as a JSON payload using the wp_remote_post function. Make sure to replace your_slack_webhook_url with your actual webhook URL obtained from Slack.