Windows 11 – How to Move the Start Button to the Left of Taskbar

One of the first things people notice about Windows 11 is the Start button being centered to the middle of the taskbar.

This layout is different from all previous versions of Windows – which had the Start button left aligned.

How to move the Start button to the left of the taskbar in Windows 11

  1. Right-click in a blank area of the taskbar and select ‘Taskbar settings’
  2. Expand the ‘Taskbar behaviours’ group
  3. Set ‘Taskbar alignment’ to ‘Left’
  4. The Start menu will now be in the traditional Windows location – the left of the taskbar.

Why have the Start button on the left side of the taskbar

Easier access: If you are used to having the Start button on the left side of the taskbar or prefer having it in that position, having it in the center can be confusing and less intuitive. Moving it to the left can make it easier for you to access it quickly.
  • More space: By default, Windows 11 displays various system icons and notifications on the right side of the taskbar. Moving the Start button to the left side of the taskbar can free up space on the right side of the taskbar for other apps and system icons.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Moving the Start button to the left side of the taskbar can help improve the overall aesthetics of your Windows 11 desktop. The centered position can sometimes look unbalanced and may not fit in with the rest of your desktop’s theme and layout.