Using WordPress ‘admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix}’ PHP action

The admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix} WordPress action fires when styles are printed for a specific admin page based on $hook_suffix.


add_action('admin_print_styles-{hook_suffix}', 'your_custom_function');

function your_custom_function() {
  // your custom code here



More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix}


Enqueue a custom CSS file for the admin dashboard

This code enqueues a custom CSS file only for the admin dashboard.

add_action('admin_print_styles-index.php', 'enqueue_custom_dashboard_styles');

function enqueue_custom_dashboard_styles() {
  wp_enqueue_style('custom-dashboard-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/dashboard.css');

Enqueue a custom CSS file for the plugins page

This code enqueues a custom CSS file only for the plugins page.

add_action('admin_print_styles-plugins.php', 'enqueue_custom_plugin_styles');

function enqueue_custom_plugin_styles() {
  wp_enqueue_style('custom-plugin-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/plugins.css');

Enqueue a custom CSS file for the post editing screen

This code enqueues a custom CSS file only for the post editing screen.

add_action('admin_print_styles-post.php', 'enqueue_custom_post_styles');

function enqueue_custom_post_styles() {
  wp_enqueue_style('custom-post-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/post.css');

Enqueue a custom CSS file for the theme options page

This code enqueues a custom CSS file only for the theme options page.

add_action('admin_print_styles-appearance_page_theme_options', 'enqueue_custom_theme_options_styles');

function enqueue_custom_theme_options_styles() {
  wp_enqueue_style('custom-theme-options-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/theme-options.css');

Enqueue a custom CSS file for the custom post type editing screen

This code enqueues a custom CSS file only for the custom post type editing screen.

add_action('admin_print_styles-post-new.php', 'enqueue_custom_cpt_styles');

function enqueue_custom_cpt_styles() {
  global $typenow;

  if ('your_custom_post_type' === $typenow) {
    wp_enqueue_style('custom-cpt-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/custom-post-type.css');