Using WordPress ‘audio_submitbox_misc_sections’ PHP filter

The audio_submitbox_misc_sections WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the audio attachment metadata fields displayed in the publish meta box.


add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'my_custom_audio_fields', 10, 2);

function my_custom_audio_fields($fields, $post) {
    // Your custom code here
    return $fields;


  • $fields (array) – An array of the attachment metadata keys and labels.
  • $post (WP_Post) – WP_Post object for the current attachment.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: audio_submitbox_misc_sections


Add a custom field to the audio metadata

This example adds a custom field “Custom Text” to the audio metadata.

add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'add_custom_text_field', 10, 2);

function add_custom_text_field($fields, $post) {
    $fields['custom_text'] = 'Custom Text';
    return $fields;

Remove a specific field from the audio metadata

This example removes the “Length” field from the audio metadata.

add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'remove_length_field', 10, 2);

function remove_length_field($fields, $post) {
    return $fields;

Change the label of a field in the audio metadata

This example changes the label of the “Artist” field to “Singer”.

add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'change_artist_label', 10, 2);

function change_artist_label($fields, $post) {
    $fields['artist'] = 'Singer';
    return $fields;

Reorder fields in the audio metadata

This example reorders the audio metadata fields, placing the “Album” field before the “Artist” field.

add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'reorder_audio_fields', 10, 2);

function reorder_audio_fields($fields, $post) {
    $new_fields = [
        'length' => $fields['length'],
        'album' => $fields['album'],
        'artist' => $fields['artist'],
    return $new_fields;

Add multiple custom fields to the audio metadata

This example adds two custom fields, “Composer” and “Year”, to the audio metadata.

add_filter('audio_submitbox_misc_sections', 'add_multiple_custom_fields', 10, 2);

function add_multiple_custom_fields($fields, $post) {
    $fields['composer'] = 'Composer';
    $fields['year'] = 'Year';
    return $fields;