Using WordPress ‘author_can()’ PHP function

The author_can() WordPress PHP function determines if the author of a provided post possesses a specific capability.


Here’s a basic usage of the function:

if (author_can($post, 'edit_posts')) {
    echo 'Author has the capability to edit posts.';

In this example, the function checks if the author of $post has the ‘edit_posts’ capability. If they do, it echoes a message confirming this.


  • $post (int|WP_Post – Required): The ID or object of the post.
  • $capability (string – Required): The name of the capability to check.
  • $args (mixed – Optional): Additional parameters, typically starting with an object ID.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: author_can()

The author_can() function was implemented in WordPress 2.0.0. It checks meta capabilities, which are used by the map_meta_cap() function to map to primitive capabilities that a user or role has.


Check if the author can edit posts

This code snippet checks if the author of the post with ID 10 can edit posts.

$post = get_post(10); // Get post with ID 10
if (author_can($post, 'edit_posts')) {
    echo 'Author can edit posts.'; // Echoes this message if the author can edit posts

Check if the author can publish posts

This checks if the author of the post with ID 20 can publish posts.

$post = get_post(20); // Get post with ID 20
if (author_can($post, 'publish_posts')) {
    echo 'Author can publish posts.'; // Echoes this message if the author can publish posts

Check if the author can delete posts

This checks if the author of the post with ID 30 can delete posts.

$post = get_post(30); // Get post with ID 30
if (author_can($post, 'delete_posts')) {
    echo 'Author can delete posts.'; // Echoes this message if the author can delete posts

Check if the author can read posts

This checks if the author of the post with ID 40 can read posts.

$post = get_post(40); // Get post with ID 40
if (author_can($post, 'read')) {
    echo 'Author can read posts.'; // Echoes this message if the author can read posts

Check if the author can edit others’ posts

This checks if the author of the post with ID 50 can edit others’ posts.

$post = get_post(50); // Get post with ID 50
if (author_can($post, 'edit_others_posts')) {
    echo 'Author can edit others\' posts.'; // Echoes this message if the author can edit others' posts