Using WordPress ‘block_editor_settings’ PHP filter

The block_editor_settings WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the default settings passed to the block editor.


add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  // your custom code here
  return $editor_settings;


  • $editor_settings (array) – Default editor settings.
  • $post (WP_Post) – Post being edited.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: block_editor_settings


Change Block Editor Color Palette

To modify the color palette in the block editor:

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  $editor_settings['colorPalette'] = array(
      'name' => 'Blue',
      'slug' => 'blue',
      'color' => '#0073aa',
      'name' => 'Red',
      'slug' => 'red',
      'color' => '#e74c3c',
  return $editor_settings;
add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);

Disable Custom Font Sizes

To disable custom font sizes in the block editor:

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  $editor_settings['disableCustomFontSizes'] = true;
  return $editor_settings;
add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);

Set Image Sizes

To define custom image sizes available in the block editor:

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  $editor_settings['imageSizes'] = array(
      'slug' => 'custom-size',
      'name' => 'Custom Size',
  return $editor_settings;
add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);

Disable Custom Colors

To disable custom colors in the block editor:

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  $editor_settings['disableCustomColors'] = true;
  return $editor_settings;
add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);

Set Custom Gradient Presets

To set custom gradient presets in the block editor:

function my_custom_block_editor_settings($editor_settings, $post) {
  $editor_settings['gradients'] = array(
      'name' => 'Vivid Blue to Green',
      'gradient' => 'linear-gradient(135deg, #0073aa 0%, #08a539 100%)',
      'slug' => 'vivid-blue-to-green',
  return $editor_settings;
add_filter('block_editor_settings', 'my_custom_block_editor_settings', 10, 2);