Using WordPress ‘comment_status_links’ PHP filter

The comment_status_links WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the comment status links displayed in the admin area. These links include ‘All’, ‘Mine’, ‘Pending’, ‘Approved’, ‘Spam’, and ‘Trash’.


add_filter('comment_status_links', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($status_links) {
  // your custom code here
  return $status_links;


  • $status_links (string[]): An associative array of fully-formed comment status links. Includes ‘All’, ‘Mine’, ‘Pending’, ‘Approved’, ‘Spam’, and ‘Trash’.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_status_links


Remove the ‘Mine’ link from the comment status links.

add_filter('comment_status_links', 'remove_mine_link');
function remove_mine_link($status_links) {
  return $status_links;

Change the text of the ‘All’ link to ‘All Comments’.

add_filter('comment_status_links', 'change_all_link_text');
function change_all_link_text($status_links) {
  $status_links['all'] = str_replace('All', 'All Comments', $status_links['all']);
  return $status_links;

Add a custom link named ‘Unreplied’ to display comments that have not been replied to.

add_filter('comment_status_links', 'add_unreplied_link');
function add_unreplied_link($status_links) {
  $unreplied_count = 10; // Replace with the actual count of unreplied comments
  $status_links['unreplied'] = '<a href="edit-comments.php?show_unreplied=true">Unreplied (' . $unreplied_count . ')</a>';
  return $status_links;

Add a separator (a vertical bar) between the comment status links.

add_filter('comment_status_links', 'add_separator_between_links');
function add_separator_between_links($status_links) {
  foreach ($status_links as $key => $link) {
    $status_links[$key] = $link . ' | ';
  return $status_links;

Change the order of the comment status links to display ‘Approved’, ‘Pending’, ‘Spam’, ‘Trash’, ‘All’, and ‘Mine’.

add_filter('comment_status_links', 'change_link_order');
function change_link_order($status_links) {
  $new_order = ['approved', 'pending', 'spam', 'trash', 'all', 'mine'];
  $reordered_links = [];
  foreach ($new_order as $key) {
    $reordered_links[$key] = $status_links[$key];
  return $reordered_links;