Using WordPress ‘comment_text()’ PHP function

The comment_text() WordPress PHP function is used to display the text of the current comment.


To use the function, simply call comment_text() within the loop of your WordPress theme file. You can also pass a comment ID or a WP_Comment object to this function to get text from a specific comment. Here is a custom example:

$comment_id = 10;  // Assume this is a valid comment ID

This will display the text for the comment with an ID of 10.


  • $comment_id (int|WP_Comment – Optional): The ID of the comment or a WP_Comment object for which to print the text. The default is the current comment.
  • $args (array – Optional): An array of arguments. Default is an empty array.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_text()

This function is part of the WordPress core and is used throughout various WordPress themes and plugins. It has not been deprecated and is maintained with the latest versions of WordPress.


Displaying a Comment’s Text

This example demonstrates how to display the text of a specific comment using its ID.

$comment_id = 5;  // This should be a valid comment ID

Use within The Loop

This example shows how to use comment_text() inside the WordPress loop, to display the text of each comment in a post.

while (have_comments()) {

Displaying Comment Text with Default Text

In this example, if the comment text is empty, a default text will be displayed.

$comment_id = 7;  // This should be a valid comment ID
$text = comment_text($comment_id);
if (empty($text)) {
    echo 'No comment text available';

Using comment_text() with a WP_Comment Object

This example shows how to use comment_text() with a WP_Comment object.

$comment = get_comment(8);  // Assume this returns a valid WP_Comment object

Using comment_text() with an Array of Arguments

This example demonstrates how to use comment_text() with an array of arguments. Note: As of the date of this guide, this function doesn’t actually use the $args parameter. This is for future reference.

$comment_id = 10;  // This should be a valid comment ID
$args = array(
    'foo' => 'bar',
comment_text($comment_id, $args);