Using WordPress ‘customize_nav_menu_available_item_types’ PHP filter

The customize_nav_menu_available_item_types WordPress filter allows you to modify the available navigation menu item types.


add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'your_custom_function');

function your_custom_function($item_types) {
    // your custom code here
    return $item_types;


  • $item_types (array): An array of available navigation menu item types.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: customize_nav_menu_available_item_types


Add a custom post type to the available menu item types

This example adds a custom post type, ‘portfolio’, to the available menu item types.

add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'add_portfolio_to_nav_menu');

function add_portfolio_to_nav_menu($item_types) {
    $item_types[] = array(
        'title' => 'Portfolio',
        'type' => 'post_type',
        'object' => 'portfolio'
    return $item_types;

Remove the ‘Pages’ menu item type

This example removes the ‘Pages’ menu item type from the available menu item types.

add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'remove_pages_from_nav_menu');

function remove_pages_from_nav_menu($item_types) {
    foreach ($item_types as $key => $item_type) {
        if ($item_type['object'] === 'page') {
    return $item_types;

Add a custom taxonomy to the available menu item types

This example adds a custom taxonomy, ‘product_category’, to the available menu item types.

add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'add_product_category_to_nav_menu');

function add_product_category_to_nav_menu($item_types) {
    $item_types[] = array(
        'title' => 'Product Categories',
        'type' => 'taxonomy',
        'object' => 'product_category'
    return $item_types;

Change the title of the ‘Posts’ menu item type

This example changes the title of the ‘Posts’ menu item type to ‘Articles’.

add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'change_posts_title_to_articles');

function change_posts_title_to_articles($item_types) {
    foreach ($item_types as $key => $item_type) {
        if ($item_type['object'] === 'post') {
            $item_types[$key]['title'] = 'Articles';
    return $item_types;

Remove all default menu item types

This example removes all default menu item types, leaving only custom ones.

add_filter('customize_nav_menu_available_item_types', 'remove_all_default_menu_item_types');

function remove_all_default_menu_item_types($item_types) {
    return array();

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One comment on “Using WordPress ‘customize_nav_menu_available_item_types’ PHP filter

  1. I am struggling to filter out one menu item (page) so that it doesn’t show when I call wp_nav_menu().
    I have the page ID = 666 and I haven’t registered any register nav menus locations in the functions file.
    Scenario I have 3 pages John, James and Jessica. I want to filter the page Jesica so that it doesn’t show in the menu. Can this filter achieve that and any example
    With thanks

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