Using WordPress ‘dashboard_secondary_items’ PHP filter

The dashboard_secondary_items WordPress PHP filter allows you to change the number of secondary link items displayed in the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.


add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($items) {
  // your custom code here
  return $items;


  • $items (int): The number of items to show in the secondary feed.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: dashboard_secondary_items


Increase the number of secondary items displayed to 10

This code will increase the number of secondary items shown in the ‘WordPress Events and News’ widget to 10.

add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'increase_secondary_items');
function increase_secondary_items($items) {
  $items = 10;
  return $items;

Display only 5 secondary items

This code will reduce the number of secondary items shown in the ‘WordPress Events and News’ widget to 5.

add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'decrease_secondary_items');
function decrease_secondary_items($items) {
  $items = 5;
  return $items;

Remove all secondary items

This code will remove all secondary items from the ‘WordPress Events and News’ widget.

add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'remove_secondary_items');
function remove_secondary_items($items) {
  $items = 0;
  return $items;

Double the number of secondary items

This code will double the number of secondary items shown in the ‘WordPress Events and News’ widget.

add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'double_secondary_items');
function double_secondary_items($items) {
  $items *= 2;
  return $items;

Set the number of secondary items to a custom value

This code will set the number of secondary items shown in the ‘WordPress Events and News’ widget to a custom value stored in a variable.

add_filter('dashboard_secondary_items', 'set_custom_secondary_items');
function set_custom_secondary_items($items) {
  $custom_value = 7;
  $items = $custom_value;
  return $items;